My new best friend

We travelled overnight to London en route to Nice, France, to begin a home exchange. While Chief Twit* and Girl Twit* stayed up all night watching movies, I got four hours of blissful sleep (in the middle seat, no less) thanks to my trusty neck rest. Ugly little thing. And prehistoric––I had to blow the air into it. But no flopping of head and no jerking of neck. No abrupt end of Doc Rahim’s** adjustment. Didn’t wear my mouth guard and didn’t grind my teeth. Bless you, little neck rest; thank you for your firm support and turning an overnight flight into one of rest.

*Those Whom I Tirelessly Serve

**Technically,  Doc R is a chiropractor, but really she’s a healer|psychiatrist all rolled into one incredible Bhudda-like energy presence.

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